Wednesday 26 October 2011

Rude Boy...

Hi everyone!

How have we all been this past while?! Hope everyone is well, took a wee break from the world wide web but i'm back!  Thought i would tell you about a recent concert show i attended.  I went to see the talented singer Rihanna!  I met up with some good friends and we headed to a place called the S.E.C.C.

The venue was very big, think it was the biggest place i have ever been to..... actually no this was the biggest place i've ever been when i went to see Enrique which you can read about in another post on the blog give it a read if you haven't already!!

After a short wait it was show time.... she arrived on a huge pink military tank, i'm pretty sure this wasn't your regular army tank however as it shot t-shirts into the whole crowd!!  

Her outfit choices were very unusual, a lot of the time she didn't wear any trousers....i would never find my friend snow white dressed like that!

After a few songs she did cover up with a cape though! I was very worried for her as the winter weather is fast approaching!

She sang some of her biggest hits 'only girl', 'man down', 'don't stop the music' and 'whats my name'....Dopey?! hahaha i kid!  At one point she slowed her songs right down and rose right up above the stage!  I have never saw anything like it - really quite breathtaking!!  Thought i would dress down for the concert, but i was still keeping it up to date with my colour palette as we were both wearing the same colour!  You really think she would get her own style! hehe!

After seeing her rise above the stage i thought i had seen it all.. then she sang on top of a piano!  What a performer!  I really was just swept away with what my eyes were seeing!

I have saved the best till last, during her show she played a special drum set near where my group of nearest and dearest were dancing the night away!  Sorry the photos are so blurry my friends, i just couldn't resist dancing all night, what a great work out too!

This is a little video of her playing the drums!

She then threw her drumstick into the audience  (which i feel is very dangerous my friends, as someone could have been hurt by it!) But anyway, guess who was lucky enough to catch it.......

Cannot believe my luck of catching it....wheeeeeeee!

Had a busy week this week folks, but on Friday i'm off to the theatre i'll give you a clue what i'm going to see.......

'Nobody puts Dopey in the corner'

Love Dopey

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